Skin Care

Skin Rejuvenation with PRP

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PRP treatment, which involves injecting the plasma obtained from one's blood under the skin, is an alternative treatment used for many health problems such as pain, wounds, and skin problems. This treatment, which is frequently used in cosmetology today, can also be applied together with other skin treatments or skincare procedures.

What is PRP?

PRP, which stands for “Platelet Rich Plasma”, is a treatment procedure applied by injecting a serum obtained from the person’s blood under the skin. Platelets are cells that allow blood to clot to stop bleeding. This plasma also contains proteins called growth factors that support the growth of cells. So, this treatment aims to trigger cell growth to replace the sick ones.

After this plasma is isolated from the blood and concentrated, it helps the healing process by promoting the proliferation of healthy cells in the application site. Proponents of this treatment propose that the growth factors in it will accelerate the healing of wounds and tissues. Although it is not a treatment approved by the FDA (US Food and Drug Administration), even famous athletes have used PRP treatment to heal their wounds. Today, PRP treatment is used for the treatment of such problems as acute injuries, tendon injuries, postoperative wounds and wrinkles, and skin conditions. In this article, we will discuss the role of this treatment in the improvement of skin problems and skin renewal with PRP.

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How is PRP done?

First, the platelet-rich plasma is prepared before PRP treatment. This plasma is prepared in several stages. Here is step-by-step PRP treatment:

  • Your doctor will first take your blood into a tube. The amount of blood to be taken depends on the application area.
  • Then the blood is placed in a rapidly rotating device called a centrifuge. This device separates the components of blood, thanks to its rapid rotation. After this process is completed within 15 minutes, your doctor can inject the serum into your skin.
  • The plasma is applied to the application area via the micro needling method.
  • Several sessions are required to get full effects from this procedure. It is recommended that PRP treatment should be repeated 10-11 months later to support its long-term effects.
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Skin renewal with PRP can be considered a skin treatment, or it can be done in combination with other skin treatments to increase and reinforce their effects. For example, after laser treatment, your doctor may recommend PRP to maximize the effects of the treatment and speed up the healing process.

Who Should Not Get PRP?

You can get PRP treatment, which is a very safe procedure, as long as your doctor recommends it. However, if you are using blood thinners, have a history of cancer, have blood clotting problems, or if there is active inflammation or infection in the application area, you should not have PRP. Besides, if you want to make sure about whether you have a condition that prevents you from getting PRP treatment, you should consult your doctor.

When Do You Get The Results of PRP for Skin Rejuvenation?

You cannot see the effects immediately after PRP treatment. This treatment will be effective in the long term as it starts the healing and repair process in the skin rather than acting like a dermal filling. Its benefits can be seen gradually in 2 to 3 sessions after the first application. The effects will continue to increase for a while after the treatment is over. Within a few months after the session skin blemishes, wrinkles, and sagging will be reduced, providing brighter and renewed skin.

Benefits of PRP

PRP can be used by people of all ages and in all seasons. Its biggest advantage is that it has no risk of allergic reactions. PRP provides such effects as reduction of spots and acne scars, improvement of stretch marks and wrinkles. Besides, it can yield high-level results when combined with laser or peeling. After the procedure, you will have a younger-looking face and your skin problems will be reduced.

Side Effects of PRP

PRP uses your blood, which is generally an extremely safe procedure. Although there is no risk of allergic reactions, there are certain risks due to the injections. There are risks such as infection, nerve injury, pain, and tissue damage due to the injections. However, as long as your doctor works carefully under sterile conditions, the risks and side effects are reduced. Also, if you have any concerns, you can consult your doctor about possible risks and side effects.


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