
Hyperhidrosis Treatments

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Excessive sweating problem can be stopped without surgery with botox method. With this method, which has an average of 6 months permanence, the sweating problem can be reduced to zero.

There are many treatment options to eliminate the negative effects of hyperhidrosis, also known as excessive sweating. Some of these treatments are applied all over the body, while others are target specific areas such as hands and feet.

What is Sweating Treatment?

Sweating treatment aims to control body temperature and in case of excessive sweating, which is a physiological event. Excessive sweating does not occur due to environmental reasons, nor it is caused by physical activity. While a medication or health condition may be the underlying cause of excessive sweating, there may be no obvious cause behind it.

Excessive sweating is a condition that must be controlled because it may have complications and negative psychosocial effects. There are a variety of sweating treatment methods that have been developed to deal with this problem. Your doctor should do physical examinations and run tests to make the right diagnosis and choose the right treatment method. For example, because hyperthyroidism can cause excessive sweating, this condition should first be treated to prevent excessive sweating. However, when a definite cause cannot be determined, treatments to control sweat glands may be necessary.

Treatment Methods for Sweating

Sweating treatment is necessary when excessive sweating occurs without a specific cause. Scientifically named hyperhidrosis, it is a disorder that causes excessive sweating with no specific cause. Excessive sweating needs to be treated if it persists for at least 6 months, negatively affects the patient’s life and sweating occurs on both sides of the body (e.g. both right and left armpits). Here are the most effective hyperhidrosis treatment methods:

Sweating Treatment with Botox

Botox injections paralyze the nerves that cause sweating. This way, sweat glands cannot secrete sweat. Botox injections are effective in preventing sweating but their effects last for a maximum of 12 months. Injections can be repeated after their effects begin to wear out. Botox injections, one of the non-surgical sweating treatments, can sometimes cause muscle weakness in the application site.

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Antidepressants work two ways to treat excessive sweating. First, certain antidepressants reduce physiological sweating. Besides, thanks to the tranquilizing and anti-anxiety effects of antidepressants, it helps with the psychological conditions that cause sweating.


Iontophoresis is a special sweating treatment. It uses a special device that is applied to the hands and feet. This treatment will only be necessary when the patient does not benefit from other treatments and the sweating cannot be controlled.

This device sends electrical current to the skin. It allegedly helps the outer layer of the skin thicken thanks to the electric current transmitted through water. So it prevents the sweat from reaching the surface of the skin. It is 80% successful, which is quite high.


Surgery is the only treatment option for hyperhidrosis cases that do not respond to other treatments. Excessive sweating surgery involves removing the armpit sweat glands or cutting the nerves. When the spinal nerves associated with sweating are burned or cut, sweating will decrease. However, when the nerves in a certain area are cut, sweating in other areas may increase.

Microwave Therapy

Microwave energy is used to deactivate sweat glands. It uses a device specially prepared for this procedure to destroy sweat glands, preventing excessive sweating. This treatment takes about 20 to 30 minutes and should be repeated every 3 months. Possible side effects of the treatment include changes in skin sensation. However, it is an expensive treatment and is not suitable for everyone.

Tips to Prevent Sweating

If you do not have excessive sweating, you may not need medical treatments. You can take some precautions to reduce and prevent sweating. Here are some tips to prevent sweating:

  • You can benefit from antiperspirants. These sprays prevent sweat from reaching the surface of the skin surface because they temporarily close the pores through which sweat comes out.
  • Wear clothes that do not cause sweating. Cotton clothes will help you prevent sweating.
  • Take a shower every day. If you wash your body regularly you can reduce the effects of excessive sweating and the amount of bacteria in the body.
  • Wear shoes made of natural leather and change your socks at least once a day.
  • When exercising, choose to wear special clothes that will absorb moisture from your skin.
  • Do not eat spicy foods that may cause sweating.
  • Learn to manage stress and practice activities to control anxiety levels. Stress and anxiety can have physiological effects including sweating.