
Acne Treatment

There are effective medical acne treatments that can be used against acne caused by clogged pores due to the secretion of excess oil from the sebaceous glands and the excessive growth of the bacteria living there.

Acne Treatment

Various acne treatment methods aim to balance sebum, a substance that keeps the skin moist and curing bacterial infections that cause infection. Acne occurs when the hair follicles get blocked due to naturally produced oil in the skin and when bacterial infection occurs. Clogged hair follicles cause black spots and then acne can occur. Its appearance is typical and can be distinguished even by someone who is not a doctor. These blisters may be inflammatory or may look only slightly reddish.

Medications, smoking, and nutrition may play a role in acne formation, which may also be triggered by factors such as puberty, menstrual cycle, stress, and pregnancy which are accompanied by intense hormonal changes. This problem can affect anyone regardless of age but is more commonly seen in teens and young people due to the effects of hormonal changes on sebum production. There are many medical and alternative treatment options for acne which is unpleasant to the eye.

How to Treat Acne?

Mild acne can be controlled by simple methods that you can try at home. However, persistent acne needs to be treated under a doctor’s supervision. Here are some of the most effective acne treatments:

Topical Medications

Topical medications can be in the form of cream or lotion that are applied directly to the skin. Your doctor will determine the dosage regimen of topical drugs that contain retinoid as the active ingredient. These drugs stop acne formation by preventing clogging of hair follicles. Medications containing retinoids should be used with caution because they increase the skin’s sensitivity to the sun, which may lead to redness on the skin.

There are also topical antibiotics for acne treatment. Antibiotics prevent inflammation by stopping the growth of bacteria. Your doctor can use a combination of retinoid and antibiotic therapy. When antibiotics are used together with benzoyl peroxide, the risk of antibiotic resistance is reduced. Therefore, your doctor may prescribe them together.


Your doctor may also prescribe creams containing azelaic acid, which has antibacterial properties. These drugs, which provide successful results in acne treatment if used twice a day, may cause side effects such as sensitivity and redness on the skin. Salicylic acid can also prevent clogging of hair follicles, but it may cause sensitivity and lighten your skin.


In addition to topical antibiotics, oral antibiotics can also be used for acne treatment. Antibiotics prevent the growth of bacteria that could cause acne. Oral antibiotics should not be used long term because antibiotic resistance may occur. Besides, because they are sufficient for acne treatment alone, your doctor should prescribe a treatment regimen containing several medications. Although antibiotics do not usually cause serious side effects, you should be careful with them as they increase your skin’s sensitivity to the sun.

Birth Control Pills

Birth control pills are used for acne problems in women. However, there are just a few birth control pills approved for acne treatment. Plus, you can only use them if other acne treatments do not take effect. Besides, birth control pills pose some health risks so you and your doctor should make sure that their benefits outweigh the risks.


Phototherapy is an acne treatment method that is used in severe cases that do not respond to treatment. Phototherapy makes use of light to kill bacteria. Bacteria that cause acne can be stopped by certain types of light. When a special kind of light shines on your skin, it kills bacteria. Phototherapy also shrinks the sebaceous glands, leading to a decrease in the sebum secretion that may cause the clogging of the pores.

Chemical Peels

Chemical peels peel the upper layer of the skin using a chemical solution. Chemical solutions may contain salicylic acid, retinoic acid, or glycolic acid, which can be effective against mild acne. Although they help improve the appearance of the skin, they must be repeated regularly for its effects to be permanent.

How Long Does Acne Treatment Take?

The duration of acne treatment can be different for everyone, depending on the severity of acne. If the medications do not work, the treatment will be long-term. You may need about 4-5 months to effectively treat severe acne.